Side 1 1. Gambler 2. Mama talk to your daughter 3. Bad Avenue 4. 1 got money
Side 2 1. Ai’nt that nice 2. I’m good 3. She moves me 4. Think
Magic Slim & The Teardrops
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I had been in Chicago for three days and had heard a lot of blues which, I thought, lacked a certain something. Back in 1975 it was no problem finding a good club with decent music. At Eddie’s Place, for instance, on 1815 West Roosevelt Howling Wolf and his band were playing, Biddy Mulligan’s featured J.B. Hutto in collaboration with the Hawks, Hound Dog Taylor and the Houserockers were entertaining at a Southside club and Junior Wells was bringing old Theresa’s Lounge down. This time, however, 1 was lucky if 1 heard ten blues numbers an evening where sound, vocals and feeling, simply everything, har-monized. But then the 6th and 7th September 1986 – suddenly everything was there 1 had been looking out for over the last three days: the feeling, power and sound in unison of eleven years ago was back when Magic Slim and the Teardrops appeared at the Wise Fool Club. Magic Slim was really getting down to it … „Walking down Broad-way”, „Mama talk to your daughter”, „Don’t tell me about your troubles” … John Primer played an incredible accompanying gui-tar and a brilliant slide number whilst Nick Holt and Nathan Ap-plewhite dictated the rhythm. During „Ain’t that nice” Magic Slim wandered off into the audience and carried on singing without a microphone. When 1 asked him in the interval whether he wanted to record an LP with us I reckoned with a rebuff. But we managed to do the impossible. At noon on Sunday, September 8th 1986 Ma-gic Slim and the Teardrops were in the studio and played the most powerful Chicago blues since the days of Muddy Waters and Howling Wolf. The same numbers they had performed at the club two days before were now being immortalized on tape.
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